ISBN 978-628-95135-7-8

Virtual teaching-learning environment

Autor:Serna M., Edgar
Editorial:Corporación Instituto Antioqueño de Investigación
Materia:370 - Educación
Clasificación Thema::JNQ - Aprendizaje abierto, educación en el hogar, educación a distancia
Público objetivo:Profesional / académico
Estatus en catálogo:Próxima aparición
Número de edición:1
Formato:Pdf (.pdf)


This book presents an innovative approach to the development of intelligent virtual teaching-learning environments that institutions can use to advance their desire to offer quality virtual education. It also promotes the need to leverage new technologies that serve to enable people to receive unrestricted education for the New Age. It presents an innovative solution in education that places students at the center of learning change the role of teachers and calls for a revolution in the education system. For this approach to succeed, emphasis is placed on the need for institutions to adopt a multidimensional and transdisciplinary vision in the virtual education model. The content of this book is addressed to educational researchers, academics, industry, educational administrations, governments, teachers, students, and society at large, and invites them to delve into the issues, theories, principles, technologies, and practical experiences related to virtual education and intelligent education. The author intends to sensitize them to the need to revolutionize the rusty education system, to promote the good practices found, to share and evaluate personal experiences and lessons learned, and to work together to train the people and empower the professionals needed in the New Age.


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