ISBN 978-958-49-4571-6

The Goddess of the Labyrinth

Autor:Aronson Cerezo, David Stephen
Editorial:Aronson Cerezo, David Stephen
Materia:823 - Novelística inglesa
Clasificación Thema::FLP - Ciencia ficción: futuro cercano
FMM - Realismo mágico
FDK - Novela histórica alternativa
FT - Novelas de sagas familiares/generacionales
Público objetivo:General / adultos
Estatus en catálogo:Próxima aparición
Número de edición:1
Número de páginas:194
Encuadernación:Tapa blanda o bolsillo


If the President of the United States embarks on a journey of cosmic exploration, what will happen to America's status as a beacon of freedom for nations everywhere around the globe?

As the 45th president of the United States, Daniel Van Dorien has encountered the only obstacle to completing his plan for his country's future. When an unknown Goddess is reawakened in the White House the president’s pursuit of enlightenment will shift his life's course. A powerful deity has challenged the sinful Daniel to mend his corrupted soul, and restore the nation’s hopes for its people and its government.

His two daughters and his wife will be witness to a transformation, an authentic desire to change humanity. If Daniel does not follow the secretive deity’s oath of service according to the guidance embodied by the Goddess and her cosmic prophecy, the human species will never transcend its lowly Earthly origins.

The Goddess of the Labyrinth is the first story in The Oron: American Revolutions. This trilogy is based in the present-day American culture, history, and society. Daniel Van Dorien represents everything that is both good and bad in modern human societies, and his story is the beginning of an evolutionary transformation that will be the center of an epic and fantastic cosmic myth.


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