


Taking the specialists in social development issues, the progress lack in competitiveness, in the productive sectors of the countries destined to its development, because of the lack of a framed culture in research and the dismissal by the own activities of it, Which in turn are explained by the education system weakness in this field and by the attitude of the same, face of its fundamental mission as a driving force for social development.

Emphasizing the importance that in the present society in terms of the appropriation and generation of knowledge, every society and in particular every person is bound to learn the scientific method basic principles, to reflect and act with consistency if he wants to play a role Protagonist and to be the architect of their own life project.

By virtue of this, developing attitudes and skills for researchers at the moment of generating scientific research, becomes an inescapable necessity that should be the object of reflection and action for the administrators, leaders, globalized modern business leaders and for every person, but mainly for the academic community whose mission is to contribute to the society progress and welfare.

In this context, aware of the need to train graduates with attitudes and skills for development in scientific research, the present book on Research Foundation I, has as its main intention or general objective, to contribute to this praiseworthy work, which contributes to this fulfillment, from the academic point of view, because of the wide discussion of the topics related to research, management, knowledge management, Science, which undoubtedly reflect the interest of teachers and students in research activity in Academic community of our region and country.

It is noteworthy, the author PhD. Raul Maya Pabón, in his work Research Foundations I, responds to suggestions from teachers and students in the contents of his work, making a authors tour, recognized theories, deep within the knowledge community in terms of the topics covered. The work purpose is manifested by offering a material that responds to the readers expectations and users, who are enriched academically with every chapters of the work in question, responding to the needs raised by each of them, for the works development to the society benefit.

Undoubtedly, the book is designed for the guidance of people who are initiated or who have experience in the scientific research subject, mainly at the undergraduate or postgraduate level, with the aim of guiding them in the research field, Competitive development, training professionals and students in design, research papers presentation to qualify for their respective professional or postgraduate degree, as well as in the research projects development.

Carlos Robles Julio.
Guajira University Rector.


The human beings ability to evolve, with its complexity allows to interpret the concepts acquired through the socialization processes of socialization in the interrelation with their social environment.

Under the parameters expressed, with the vision focused on the processes of academic development, the research in this work type, are made reflective, critical, positive, constructive of the authors that are taken as referents, each of theories or comments Have contributed to the ideas development, which are interpreted and understood, and then confronted and explained through writing, trying to dialogue naturally with the reader without ambiguities.

In this way, the work tries to facilitate in a sequential way the authors theories and concept referenced in research topics, applying with facility to the experiences and realities lived with the universities students in the academic classrooms, in the presented research strategies route in each of the cases experienced

In this way, the author correctly maintains the relation between them, the knowledge sources, because with this it is placed in a state of alert to the reader so that it can contrast and establish differences between the social scenarios, the aspects that derive from them, as well As its relevance in the investigative work.

Based on the above considerations, the themes are organized into seven chapters:

In the first chapter, globalization is highlighted where its dimensions are described, making influence reference of this phenomenon in the researchers education and training from the information perspective, the cultural field and the global economy formation.

The second chapter, is framed in the knowledge, the knowledge types, making science, technology, and the scientific method definitions , its steps, returning to the whole conception of the research process, arriving at the selection of the area of study and the lines of investigation.

The third chapter describes the research problem, the question formulation and its formulation, the title, the general objective writing, the specific ones, variables identification, dimensions and categories, as well as problem systematization, justification and delimitation.

The fourth chapter includes the theoretical framework, referring to the art state, the literary revision, based on the background of the research, the theoretical bases, variables system, its nominal definition, conceptual and it’s Operationalization.

The fifth chapter deals with the methodological framework, research type, research design, population, sample, technique and measurement and data collection instruments; we define the validity and reliability, finally, the procedure in the investigation.

The sixth chapter refers the research results, presenting the analysis and interpretation of the same, the discussion, the conclusion and recommendations; Bibliography or bibliographical references.

The seventh chapter outlines the research support tools, where the research lines are related, the verbs table by levels, elements for the purpose of the objectives, the connectors box and their links, the signal word box and a manual grammar guide, research Aspects, epistemological approach, bibliography.

The book is intended for students, researchers and professors of the research subject or research foundations, trusting and hoping that in the course of the subjects treated, they can strengthen the foundation of each one of the disciplines at university formation.


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