ISBN 978-958-46-6679-6

IRB - Transforms fear into Love

Autor:Duque Valencia, Ximena
Colaboradores:Martínez Antolínez, Pedro Nel (Traductor)
Rueda Chadid, Gabriel (Traductor)
Editorial:Duque Valencia, Ximena
Materia:212 - Existencia. sapiencia. atributos de Dios
Número de edición:1
Formato:Pdf (.pdf)


This book is a work dedicated to humankind. This work is suitable for you who want to generate a shift in your Consciousness, in your life, and who wants to make progressions in Love and Unity and get rid of the old paradigms that have kept you locked up in a jail, invisible, but with bars of fear and deprivation.
Its pages include a summary of many professional level research works, both at historical and spiritual and scientific levels, which allows access to a blunt tool of life, and support any purpose inherent to our existence from the Love and full Consciousness and thus obtain the results that we always crave for which have often been cast in the term of impossible.
What this book presents is not at all a healing technique or a new dogma, and it is by all means no more information to accumulate on the hard disk of the mind but in fact it is a project that can give us an immense transcendence from a new concept of education, up to flowing with the most crystalline essence of all forms of life.


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