ISBN 978-958-57674-3-0

TOD Standard
Version 2.0

Autores:Nadal, Luc
Jang, Mariane
Colaboradores:Nygaard, Nelson (Coautor)
Institute for Transportation and Development Policy (Director)
Editorial:Fundación Despacio
Materia:711 - Planificación del espacio (Urbanismo)
Número de edición:1
Número de páginas:78
Encuadernación:Tapa Suave


The TOD Standard, or Transit Oriented Development Standard, is an assessment, recognition and policy guidance tool uniquely focused on integrating sustainable transport with land use planning and urban design. It is organized around eight core principles that promote walking,cycling, and public transport, and discourage the use of personal vehicles for urban mobility. Each principle is supported by specific performance objectives and measurable indicators, or metrics, requiring minimal data. They emphasize compact building and mixed uses around transport stations; safe, attractive and well connected pedestrian and cycling environments; densities that ensure strong customer bases for local services and public transport; and minimal car traffic and parking interference. The Standard is addressed to a broad range of technical and non-technical audiences including policy makers, planners, city officials, developers, architects, urban designers, landscape designers, civil engineers, civil society organizations, and the interested public. It fills a gap in the tools available to shift away from car-centric urban development and respond to the challenge of building healthy and sustainable cities to house the world’s rapidly growing urban population.


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