Rock-solid Chances
For responsible artisanal mining
Autor: | Hruschka, Felix |
Colaborador: | Echavarria, Cristina (Coautor) |
Artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM) is one of the few economic activities that a poor person without access to education or investment
can do to feed their children on a daily basis. As gold prices reach historic highs, millions of people facing economic hardship, displacement, landlessness and vulnerability are turning to ASGM for survival and better incomes. However, the image of ASGM in the public opinion is often blurred, since gold mining also attracts illegal investors and traders, as well as armed groups backed by large capital, who are not only causing destruction of ecosystems and conflict with local communities, but are interested in maintaining ASGM informal. A clear understanding of the ASGM sector is crucial to support the transformation
of traditional artisanal mining activities into a sustainable opportunity for communities in mineral rich regions. This publication illustrates what ASGM is, the challenges it faces and the development opportunities that it offers if miners are given access to ethical markets and legal rights.