Cocoa Futures source book of some important issues facing the cocoa industry
Autor:Murphy, R.; Flood, JulieNew research on coffee and health
Autor:Pizano Salazar, Diego; Illy, ErnestoNuevas investigaciones sobre cafÚ y salud
Autor:Illy, Ernesto; Pizano Salazar, DiegoThe State of sustainable coffee: A study major markets
Autor:Giovannucci, Daniele; Jan Koekoek, FreekEnfermedades del Cafeto en Colombia
Autor:Cristancho Ardila, Marco Aurelio; Gaitán Bustamante, Álvaro León; Rivillas Osorio, Carlos Alberto; Gil Vallejo, Luis Fernando; Castro Caicedo, Bertha Lucía; Cadena Gómez, Gabriel; Leguizamón Caicedo, Jairo Eduardo; Ángel Calle, Carlos Ariel