ISBN 978-628-96504-2-6

Confessions of a real woman

Autor:Ossa, Leticia
Colaboradores:Editorial La República S.A.S. (Editor Literario)
Wilson, Rebecca (Traductor)
Editorial:Editorial La Republica S.A.S
Materia:0 - Generalidades
Clasificación Thema::JBFX - Actitudes sociales
Público objetivo:General / adultos
Estatus en catálogo:Próxima aparición
Número de edición:1
Formato:Pdf/A (.pdf)


In these pages, as a reader, one can sense the outcome of a journey of self-discovery, a collection of intimate confessions, and sincere reflections on the complexities of being a woman in a world that often judges us by impossible standards and unrealistic expectations. From the highs and lows of her career to the unknown depths of motherhood, womanhood, and relationships, she shares her experiences with the hope of inspiring others to embrace their truth and find strength in their vulnerability.

"Confessions of a Real Woman" is not intended to be a manual of advice or an academic treatise, but rather a testament to our shared humanity. Through these pages, she invites all her readers to join her on a revealing journey of searching and acceptance, where the beauty lies in our ability to be imperfectly real.

These lines, written with kindness, wit, and intelligence, should not be read only by women due to the obvious title. We are all on this path, trying to understand the right place where we belong. As a man, I often find myself confronted with questions like: "Am I being too strong? Overbearing? Or, on the contrary, too weak and complacent, and thus may lose respect? Who should respect whom more? Who should be the strong one and who the weak one? Is it possible for us to be on the same level, or does one in the relationship, biologically, have to yield for the couple to survive?" And the question I asked myself the most during this experience: "Am I being real enough with myself and the world?"


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