ISBN 978-958-509-003-3

The genus Inga in the Chocó region

Autores:Cuevas González, Juan Pablo
Pennington, Toby
Dexter, Kyle G.
Bocanegra González, Kelly T.
Colaborador:Bocanegra González, Kelly T. (Editor Literario)
Editorial:Universidad del Tolima
Materia:580 - Plantas
Clasificación Thema::PSTH - Plantas con flores (angiospermas)
Público objetivo:Profesional / académico
Estatus en catálogo:Próxima aparición
Número de edición:1
Formato:Pdf (.pdf)


Kelly T. Bocanegra-González and collaborating authors Kyle G. Dexter, Toby
Pennington, and Juan Pablo Cuevas-González provide a comprehensive
study that offers an integrative ecological delimitation of the Chocó region,
highlighting its biodiversity and establishing a baseline route to test the region’s biogeographic hypothesis. This book also documents 70 species of the tree genus Inga, including five potential new species and eleven endemics. The findings, supported by extensive fieldwork and herbarium collections, provide invaluable insights into the genus’s taxonomy and ecological significance.
The Genus Inga in the Chocó Region is an essential resource for botanists,
ecologists, and conservationists. It advances our understanding of Inga species in the Chocó, and It serves as a crucial tool for conservation, and restoration policy-making in one of the most underexplored regions of Tropical America. This book is a journey through the Chocó’s vibrant forests, its history, and the intricate taxonomy of Inga.


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