ISBN 978-628-01-4191-6

70 Days with Your Finances

Autor:Fajardo Segura, Carlos Guillermo
Colaboradores:Fajardo Segura, Carlos Guillermo (Coordinador Editorial)
Fajardo Segura, Carlos Guillermo (Director)
Fajardo Segura, Carlos Guillermo (Diseñador)
Fajardo Segura, Carlos Guillermo (Editor Literario)
Fajardo Segura, Carlos Guillermo (Traductor)
Editorial:Fajardo Segura, Carlos Guillermo
Materia:640 - Economía doméstica y vida familiar
Clasificación Thema::VSB - Finanzas personales
Público objetivo:General / adultos
Estatus en catálogo:Próxima aparición
Número de edición:1
Número de páginas:188
Encuadernación:Tapa blanda o bolsillo


The workbook “ 70 Days with Your Finances” was created to guide you through the
process of self-discovery, releasing limiting beliefs, conquering your dreams, and
achieving fulfillment. It is structured as an ideal tool to help you examine each relevant
topic deeply to explore your personal relationship with finances.
This workshop is designed around 70 questions to help you discover and develop your
conscious and subconscious level to enhance your financial life as you have dreamed
it to be. All questions included have a specific purpose: discovering unconscious
aspects or developing reflections that will set you free. Some exercises promote deeply
exploring emotions and thoughts shaping your current financial reality. Others will
break through limiting beliefs that may have grown in your mind. A third group of
questions seeks to shape your renewed vision of your financial being.


Cámara del Libro. Calle 35 No.5A-05 / Tel. (571) 6017441231