ISBN 978-628-7656-21-5

The art of singing and playing on the modern flute Volume I: fundamentals

Autor:Castro Turriago, Jesús Augusto
Editorial:Universidad de Pamplona
Materia:780 - Música
Clasificación Thema::AVSD - Composición musical
Público objetivo:General / adultos
Estatus en catálogo:Próxima aparición
Número de edición:1
Formato:Pdf (.pdf)


This book, The Art of Singing and Playing on The Modern Flute, is the first part of a research project of the same name, led and developed by the author in collaboration with The Music, Education, Culture, and Society Research Group during the years 2022 and 2023. This project included the participation of flute students enrolled in the Universidad de Pamplona, Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, and Universidad Sergio Arboleda, among others. This book presents a concise and analytical discussion of diverse facts that comprise the flute extended technique known as Singing and Playing.

These elements explore topics such as 1) the pedagogical benefits of frequent use of the Singing and Playing technique; 2) a brief description to illustrate the procedure of sound production on the flute (in order to understand the principles of the Singing and Playing technique); 3) an exploration of the graphic notation of Singing and Playing; and 4) a suggested instruction for developing the use of Singing and Playing. Following this discussion, the book illustrates the philosophy and the main conceptual pillars of the treatise developed during the research project. Finally, the last section of the book contains a method that guides students in developing the skill of singing and playing on the modern flute.

This method focuses on the study of music fundamentals, such as major and minor scales and arpeggios, harmonic progressions, and the study of intervals (thirds, fourths, fifths, and sixths). The complete method might be approached as a type of solfeggio method, while playing the flute, in order to build singing skills, rather than treated as a method of building technical fundamentals on the flute (scales or intervals, for example).

In fact, during the first part of each chapter, the flute should be used as a pitched-instrument reference to help in learning scales and intervals in the Singing and Playing technique.


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