ISBN 978-628-01-1458-3

Killing a Startup

Autor:Fajardo Segura, Carlos Guillermo
Colaboradores:Fajardo Segura, Carlos Guillermo (Coordinador Editorial)
Fajardo Segura, Carlos Guillermo (Director)
Fajardo Segura, Carlos Guillermo (Traductor)
Editorial:Fajardo Segura, Carlos Guillermo
Materia:338.7 - Empresas de negocios
Clasificación Thema::KJH - Emprendimiento y emprendedores / empresas emergentes / «startups»
Público objetivo:General / adultos
Disponibilidad:Impresión bajo demanda (POD)
Estatus en catálogo:Próxima aparición
Número de edición:1
Número de páginas:210
Encuadernación:Tapa blanda o bolsillo


Would you fly in an airplane if every flight had a 90% chance of crashing? Would you go scuba diving if you had a 90% chance of drowning? Would you buy a house if you had a 90% chance of losing it? Would you buy a brand-new car if you had a 90% chance of crashing it?

The mortality rate in business is enormous. 9 out of 10 startups will not survive the first ten years of operation. Yet, we keep trying. That's passion. Starting a company is a high-risk activity where many variables come into play. It’s understandable when businesses fail due to external factors, but crashing them due to situations that could have been better managed, is not. This book is a dose of realism to help you making better decisions in building your dream, and together we ensure that you achieve success without dying in the attempt.


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