ISBN 978-628-7602-49-6

Theoretical approach to the notions of war and strategic leadership

Autores:López Niño, Desiderio
Realpe Díaz, Milena Elizabeth
Ardila Castro, Carlos Alberto
Díaz Rivera, Álvaro Eduardo
Álvarez Calderón, Carlos Enrique
Lasprilla Villamizar, Jaime Alfonso
Atahualpa Pérez, Andrés
Ramírez Pedraza, Yesid Eduardo
Arciniegas Londoño, Laura
Moreno Pelaez, Jesús Eduardo
Monroy Velásquez, Vivian Andrea
Gonzalez Martinez, Miguel Antonio
Coronado Camero, Faiver
Sierra Gutiérrez, William Alfredo
Colaboradores:Uribe Cáceres, Sergio (Editor Literario)
López Niño, Desiderio (Editor Literario)
Moya Ramírez, Lina María (Traductor)
Editorial:Escuela Superior de Guerra General Rafael Reyes Prieto
Materia:350 - Administración pública y ciencia militar
Clasificación Thema::JWA - Teoría de la guerra y ciencia militar
Público objetivo:Profesional / académico
Colección:Seguridad y Defensa
Estatus en catálogo:Activo
Número de edición:1
Número de páginas:314
Encuadernación:Tapa blanda o bolsillo
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The noted Karl von Clausewitz (1780-1831), Prussian strategist and general, stated in his renowned work On War: “War is not an exercise of will directed at inanimate matter, as is the case with the mechanical arts, or at matter that is animated but passive and docile, as is the case with mind and human emotions in the arts. In war, the will is directed at a reactive animated object.” In turn, Alfred T. Mahan, renowned historian, and strategist of the U.S. Navy (1840-1914), stated: “Possession of a powerful fleet is essential to ensure national security and trade, as it protects shipping lanes and projects naval power globally.”

This work deals with the critical and propositional analysis of these concepts – as well as others equally valuable and complementary – while delving into theories of war and strategic leadership, as a contribution of the teachers and students of the first cohort of the Doctorate in Strategic Studies, Security and Defense, of the Escuela Superior de Guerra “General Rafael Reyes Prieto”, to the study and research of these pertinent topics, so indispensable to understand Colombia of the last 50 years.


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