ISBN 978-958-49-9777-7

Komorebi: An Unrushed Walk Among Memories

Autor:Ramirez Bustamante, Geraldine
Colaboradores:Ramirez Bustamante, Geraldine (Ilustrador)
Pertuz, Lorena (Prologuista)
Terreros, María Fernanda (Traductor)
Editorial:Ramirez Bustamante, Geraldine
Materia:248 - Experiencia. práctica. vida cristianas
Clasificación Thema::QRMP - Vida y práctica cristianas
Público objetivo:General / adultos
Disponibilidad:Impresión bajo demanda (POD)
Estatus en catálogo:Próxima aparición
Número de edición:1
Número de páginas:151
Encuadernación:Tapa blanda o bolsillo


«For several sunsets I sat in front of the computer, on a kitchen chair that I put in my bedroom desk, trying to write a third-person description for this book (as most professional authors do); and I could not. Because I don't know how to describe from a distance something as close to me as Komorebi is. In this book I share a collection of stories (and illustrations) that speak of my struggles and victories in the face of fear, anxiety, depression, shame, addictions, and guilt, among other not-so-happy words that perhaps have also been (or are) part of your life. Every page of Komorebi is written from the deep, the funny, and the vulnerable places in my heart; each page aims to get closer to the heart of whoever reads it, and perhaps allow him to find his own reflection in it.»
- Cresparchada (Geraldine Ramirez Bustamante)


Cámara del Libro. Calle 35 No.5A-05 / Tel. (57) 6017441231