ISBN 978-628-95735-0-3

Electricity and Electronics

Autor:Patiño Builes, Albeiro
Colaborador:Londoño Patiño, David Esteban (Traductor)
Editorial:XALAMBO S.A.S.
Materia:537 - Electricidad y electrónica
Clasificación Thema::TJFC - Electrónica: circuitos y componentes
Público objetivo:General / adultos
Colección:Science and Technology
Disponibilidad:Impresión bajo demanda (POD)
Estatus en catálogo:Próxima aparición
Número de edición:1
Número de páginas:536
Encuadernación:Tapa blanda o bolsillo


ELECTRICITY AND ELECTRONICS is a compendium of three books: Principles of Electricity, Basic Electronics, and Operational Amplifiers and Other Special Devices, by engineer Albeiro Patiño Builes. The three can be acquired separately, but given the great reception they have had, this collection offers them in a single volume. The success of this series lies, surely, in the simplicity of the theoretical explanations, the minimal mathematics, without neglecting the technical rigor, but above all, in the large number of exercises, both solved and proposed, that lead the student by the hand to problem solving, but also to the execution of practical laboratories where the great incentive for learning is the result: knowledge of basic laws, manipulation of components, construction of circuits, measurement and verification of results. We hope that the presentation of these works in a single volume becomes a great motivation for those interested in the study of electrical phenomena to delve deeper into the study of this fascinating branch of science.


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