ISBN 978-958-49-4594-5

Fortress of sand

Autor:Medina Amórtegui, Andrés Mauricio
Colaboradores:Medina Amórtegui, Andrés Mauricio (Diseñador)
Medina Amórtegui, Andrés Mauricio (Editor Literario)
Editorial:Medina Amortegui, Andres Mauricio
Materia:821 - Poesía inglesa
Clasificación Thema::DCF - Poesía de poetas individuales
Público objetivo:General / adultos
Disponibilidad:Impresión bajo demanda (POD)
Estatus en catálogo:Próxima aparición
Número de edición:1
Número de páginas:118
Encuadernación:Tapa blanda o bolsillo


So I decided to build a sandcastle. Never had I completed one, at least not that I remembered. Grabbing my shovel and bucket, I built something, something that could hold itself. Amazed by the work I wondered if that's how big buildings are made. So much work for such a small feat.

I laid in the sand next to it and wondered if that's the way we, humans, are made. If that's how the Earth was made or how our universe came to be. A small housing with so many wonderful features. I like to believe that it was huge thinking for just a mere being. In the end, I felt relieved to realise how lucky I was to be in existence.

Out of a sudden, a huge gust of wind rushed through the ocean and reached my face and my castle, while I felt pleased to receive the cold breeze, my sandy structure plunged like a falling leaf, nothing remained.

Even being a young man, this bizarre thought became the main one in my head. -How does something so wonderful vanishes in an instant? Could that happen to me? To us? To the world?


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