Oh no, I Have Thyroid Cancer! The disease, the gland, and what you should know
Autor: | Duque Fisher, Carlos Simon |
This “journey” through the book Oh no, I HAVE THYROID CANCER! (original title in Spanish ¡Uuuyyy, TENGO CÁNCER DE TIROIDES!) began some years ago when I sat down in front of my computer to write the first lines and ideas that took shape until its final publication in Spanish in September 2016, followed by a second edition in 2018, changing or improving the text, always modifying, thinking about who would read it, the patient or person with hardly any medical knowledge and anxious to know more about this tumor. I tried to describe a disease of the specialty I practice and about which I am also passionate, to the extent that it truly offers patients the possibility of controlling it as few others. I considered the recommendations of colleagues who were General Practitioners, Internists, Endocrinologists, Surgeons, Otolaryngologists, Pathologists, Nuclear Medicine specialists, Psychologists, Social Workers, Communicators, etc., as well as friends and relatives. Also, I took into account the multiple observations and suggestions of many patients I had previously treated for thyroid cancer, who read the draft as well as the editions in Spanish. With their kind observations, as well as those given by many colleagues, I undertook the task of not only revising many parts of the book but also adding new chapters and illustrative images so that what I wanted to convey in a simple way would reach the desired destination, the patient.