ISBN 978-958-15-0622-4

Into the aesthetics of ugliness
Graphic novel: darks minds

Autores:Giraldo Betancur, Jhorman Felipe
Granada Gómez, Jose David
Ortega Parra, Yuri Melissa
Betancourt García, Lorena
Hernandez Melo, Miguel Alberto
María Cardona, Marcela
Editorial:Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje / SENA Bogotá
Materia:860CO - Literatura colombiana
Clasificación Thema::AKLC1 - Novela gráfica y el arte manga
Público objetivo:Adolescentes
Estatus en catálogo:Próxima aparición
Número de edición:1
Formato:Pdf (.pdf)


The decision to create a graphic novel and a script for a short films as a part of the project came out of the idea of developing an element that could be of easy access for the community and for our learning center,
something innovative and remarkable that could take the audience out of the routine and at the same time had the option to involve the apprentices in its creation and design so it could be a product created thinking specially about them.
The research group of the bilingualism area researched about different kinds of aesthetic movements and put together a set of ideas that could be useful for the graphic novel and the script for the short film, when
using it in the learning process in the different levels, it was focused on a social context that will have an impact in the readers and would be useful as well for different types of pedagogical activities generating
positive results not only in the learning process of a second language but also in self-awareness and the social context of the apprentices.
The stories take into account the aesthetics of ugliness as an element to express contemporary art, values, inner passions, dark senses and monstrous characters.
Due to this reason the graphic novel and the script that you will see in the pages below is divided into a series of chapters that narrate the story in a short but detailed way. It comes as well with a set of activities
to be carried out before and after reading with the purpose of taking the most advantage of its content.
These activities were designed specifically for the apprentices that will be part of the reading process and are of easy use and interpretation for the instructors guiding the activity.


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