ISBN 978-958-48-2345-8

Family Business
Tools for a successful generational change

Autor:Pava Ospina, Roque
Editorial:Pava Ospina, Roque
Materia:338.7 - Empresas de negocios
Número de edición:1
Formato:Epub (.epub)


The book is a valuable contribution to those leaders of enterprising and prosperous families who will find in their pages a guide for the assertive management of their businesses and to rationally face the natural conflicts of each family business.
The author, Roque Pava Ospina, partner of the family business where the generational change and MBA of the Universidad del Valle is developed, takes advantage of his knowledge and experience to present the nature, characterization and basic components that allow to understand the relationship between family, property and business and how they interact until the moment of generational change or succession. In relation to this last aspect addresses the appearance of the first symptoms of instability and suggests the different measures that must be taken to overcome with satisfaction the generational transfer so that the business remains in the hands of the family for many years.


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