ISBN 978-958-48-1785-3

Perspectives and akademics facts
Academic experiences in bibliographic and research works.

Autores:Otero Mendoza, Olga Patricia
Barros Farfán, Yimmy
Maya Pabon, Raul Enrique
Yagunas Nuñes, Jose
Martinez Trujillo, Nerys
Colaboradores:Maya Pabón, Raul (Director)
Barrios Carmona, Anibal (Adaptador)
Zabaleta Montero, Soledad Marina (Adaptador)
Maya Gonzalez, Ana Milena (Adaptador)
Martinez Trujillo, Nerys (Traductor)
Editorial:Maya Pabon, Raul Enrique
Materia:370 - Educación
Número de edición:1
Número de páginas:156
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Academic experiences in references of bibliographical works and facts in research.

Guajira University Teachers Villanueva Extension

Compiler Director: PhD. Raul E Maya Pabón.

Translator - Director. Nerys Martínez Trujillo.

PhD. Raul Maya Pabón.
Esp. José Yaguna Núñez.
Esp. Anibal Barrios Carmena.
Dra. Nerys Martínez Trujillo.
Mgs. (E). Otero Mendoza.
Doc. Yimmy Barros Farfán.

Review Committee:
Mgs. Soledad Zabaleta Montero.
Doc. Edwin Carreño.
Doc. Teovaldo Garcias Romero.

Methodological Committee:
Dra. Brillith Fierro Pictures.
Mgs. Schneyder Molina

Printed by Lithograph. PALERMO ADVERTISING

ISBN. 978-958-46- xxxx-x

Editorial. Uniguajira.
Villanueva the Guajira, August 2017.
Perspectives and Academics Facts


With the intention of making a significant contribution to the the Guajira community Department; a group of teachers from the Guajira University, Villanueva extension, seeking to articulate the fundamental pillars of higher education, which are; the academy, understood as the formation of Knowledge;The research, based on the transformation of knowledge acquired through the search for a response of the different phenomena that are present in our environment, starting from the different areas of knowledge and; the extension or social projection, interpreted as the application of knowledge transformed in society, seeking to provide solutions and support the economic, political and social leverage of the region; It is for this reason that the present text addresses different issues that frame the academic processes, research, their results and the importance of these.

Also, some of the chapters of the present study have been the research results experiences, which have been born in the classroom, where the students are protagonists in the collection of information, being guided by the teachers, specialists in the different Areas of knowledge, to culminate in the process of transferring results, as shown in the current book.

In the same way, a series of concepts, research and compilations of bibliographical revisions will be found, whose purpose is to generate, in students, graduates, teachers and members of the academic community in general, productive and political sector, an orientation of how to insert In the academic, research and extension processes, from the perspective of higher education and the articulation that this has with the National System of Science, Technology and Innovation "SNCTI".

By the above, it is expected that people who have the opportunity to read the different chapters of this work, may have sufficient orientation to understand the objectives and purposes of the academic process at the University of La Guajira, regarding research to National level, starting from the premise, that the domain of the known is finite and the unknown is infinite.

Therefore, through academy, research and extension, in these processes, it is where society can find support to solve or have tools for decision making in the course of continuous improvement, of the different activities of the society, carried out and shown in this work, by the Guajira University teachers of the Villanueva extension.


1. Presentation of Academic Works. 6-71

2. Retrospective and Prospective of the Productive Sector in the region
from the perspective of the Guajira University Villanueva Extension.
3. Finance Importance in the integral educational development
of people. 109-135

4. Quqalitative research. 136-159

5. Communicative competences 160 - 203

6. Didactic guide entrepreneurship program contents for Success
Business. 204 – 230


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