ISBN 978-958-46-7531-6

Benjamin and the World of Lightning
Book I

Autor:Durán Jaimes, Pedro
Colaboradores:Salazar Rosado, Luis Carlos (Traductor)
Salazar Rosado, Alberto Mario (Traductor)
Editorial:Durán Jaimes, Pedro
Materia:808068 - Literatura infantil
Número de edición:1
Formato:Pdf (.pdf)


In this book, I intend to show, through the eyes of a young boy, the events of a modern world in which lightning becomes news of a tragic nature .
To make you grasp the reality of this atmospheric phenomenon, follow the story of this child that will teach you what the lightning phenomenon is like and why it is fascinating. This book will draw you closer to atmospheric physical science and will teach you what are the most effective protective measures that can be adopted to avoid being struck by lightning.
The curiosity of this boy will help you to understand the relationship between lightning and living things, and understand why lightning is so important for the survival of life and the equilibrium of the ecosystem in our beautiful planet Earth.
Throughout this book you will discover that God is not responsible for causing tragedies: if someone is hit by lightning, it was due to a lack of knowledge about the physics of lightning and the element of chance or unforeseen circumstance.
This book will also show you the danger of being connected to lightning by means of the different electronic devices that have become a part of our lives.
See, through the eyes of a child, the relationship between lightning and sports such as soccer, cycling, golf, and baseball, among others.
Benjamin will take you to meet some places in Colombia where lightning is frequent.
The feelings of a boy will also reveal to you his personal interest in the security of others. They will introduce you to unselfish thinking, which is so necessary in the society of the future, the society that will survive today’s selfishness.


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