Handbook Guide on business and Human Rights. Embracing the UN Guiding Principles
Autores: | Carneiro Freire, Mar Cordero Sanz, Carlos Cordero Sanz, Juanjo Vidal Martín Hernando |
Colaborador: | Carter Dussan, Carolina (Traductor) |
The “Handbook-Guide on the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights: A Gateway” is the most recent document produced by Sustentia Innovación Social, in the framework of the project “Training and Dialogue on the business and human rights framework in Colombia”. This project is funded by AECID and implemented by Sustentia Innovación Social and Fundación DIS.
Both the wording and the content of this Handbook-Guide make it a global document that can facilitate the understanding of the UN Guiding Principles (GP) and enable their rapid and effective implementation. This document calls attention to the fact that the level of consensus and legitimacy achieved with this UN document represents a great opportunity. It also underscores the importance of the effective implementation of the Guiding Principles.
The implementation of the GP will require generating the means and materials to make them known them to States and business enterprises, as well as to those for whom the “Protect, Respect, and Remedy” Framework was actually designed: the rights-holders. This document discusses the major milestones, challenges, and contents of the GP and explains the expected results of their implementation. It is intended, therefore, to facilitate implementation, in a way that is comprehensible, motivational and that resolves the questions and difficulties encountered.
This Handbook-Guide contributes to the effective implementation of the Guiding Principles.