

The Medell■n Charter has emerged from the central administration of Medell■n, led by the 7th World Urban Forum (WUF7) Local Academic Committee, and prepared with the contributions of different national and international authors and institutions, who have shared their arguments, questions and hypotheses; and has brought them together in an international workparty of thinking and action about our concepts regarding cities and urban affairs, and the ethical component required to fit in this discourse for life, which is transcendental in the citizenry's civil education.
This text undoubtedly absorbs our experience as a city, but does not attempt to present it as a model to follow, or to make Medell■n the crux of our discussion, fundamentally because the aim is not to stand out within cities' universal spirit, but simply to illustrate, with Medell■n's example, some modes of public and particularly urban governance. It also reflects the profound challenges our city faces, regarding equity, violence, education, citizen participation and the culture of legality, and invites us to think about viable alternatives to address these issues in our cities.
We will continue our dialogue and exchanges, grounded in the Platform of Urban Solutions that we are proposing today, as a Website, and which we hope UN Habitat will carry on with, actively involving many of the stakeholders and institutions present here.
Today, Medell■n is a city that is revealing its decisions to the world, and awaits the timely advice from solidary voices.


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