Unisinu English Book volumen 2
Autor: | Echeverry Rivero, Emilse Lorena |
This book was designed as pedagogical strategy to teach English at Second Level. It is focused on reading, speaking and writing skills. It is also full of vocabulary strategies as a way to increase students’ opportunity to develop communicative competence. Nowadays, in business, politics and in the academic context people have the necessity to interact to each other using English as an international language. The globalization process has created opportunities to work and to live in communities, where learning English is very important. It is relevant to say that in universities and inside of the society reading and writing habits are decreasing. This book was written as a way to help students to overcome these problems. It brings activities to help students acquire reading and writing habits. Also grammar has a meaningful place in this book. It lets students to explore and practice English structures on their own. All of the exercises have been designed for independent study; they range from the basic to the more challenging to give students a chance to better understand and use English correctly. The implementation of this book as a guide in classes helps students to develop their interpretative and argumentative skills and the ability to propose solution to daily life problems.