ISBN 978-958-44-7993-8

Piano Teaching in Japan
A survey of piano methods for beginners

Autor:Barriga Monroy, Martha Lucia
Editorial:Barriga Monroy, Martha Lucia
Materia:780.7 - Educación. investigación. presentaciones. temas relacionados
Número de edición:1
Formato:Pdf (.pdf)


El libro es una investigación sobre los métodos para piano, metodologías y prácticas utilizadas en la enseñanza de piano para principiantes niños y adultos utilizadas en Japón entre 1984 y 1987.
Piano teaching in Japan: a survey of piano methods for beginners is a research about piano method books, methodologies and practices used in Japan for teaching children and adult beginners. The study was done in Japan from 1984 to 1987. It is important since it is the first research study done by a Colombian researcher in the field of piano teaching. By those years, arts education research in Colombia was incipient. Now that arts education research has started in Colombia, it deserves to publish it as part of related piano literature studies, for all those interested in this important research field.


Cámara del Libro. Calle 35 No.5A-05 / Tel. (571) 6017441231